Streaming VR games is something we all love. But the chief issue that can prevent many broadcasters from VR games streaming is the lack of keeping in line with the chat. If you are not able to communicate with the viewers, how can you boost up the health of your channel?
And so, today we have come up with the best way to see Twitch Chat in VR. If you are here to know how to see Twitch Chat in VR, all you have to do is follow our step-by-step process. Now, streaming and seeing chats together will boost up your gaming life, we can assure you that!
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Get in and know how to deal with Twitch chat and VR!
Step-by-Step Process of Getting Twitch Chat in VR
Step 1: Download Hotrian’s OpenVR Twitch Chat
If you want to get Twitch Chat in VR while playing games, you might want the process to be easy. The only way to make the whole process easier and better is to get the right app. For this, we always recommend you settle for Hotrian’s OpenVR. This is hands down the best one for affording you Twitch Chat.
All you have to do is get into Hotrian’s Page on GitHub. Get down to the bottom of the face. You will find the OpenVRTwitchChat Beta Zip file. You will find this one below assets. All you have to do is click it. It will start downloading.
Step 2: Extract
Now that you are done with downloading Hotrian’s OpenVR Twitch Chat file, you have to extract it. The best thing you can do here is to select all the unzipped files and keep them in a single folder. This will help you in affording easy access to the files. Also, if you want to overlay the VR game, this procedure will help you a lot.
If you are a VR streamer, you already know that you will need to get into the files every time you are planning to stream. Also, if you are a Netflix fan, you will be able to watch that using this program. Also, it will work for YouTube. If you want to add any other feature of the monitor as an overlay, this will help you amazingly.
Step 3: Launch SteamVR
For Steam, all you have to do is get into the SteamVR program. Open the program first and then you have to launch the SteamVR. Before you get into this one, you have to ensure that the VR equipment is turned all.
Also, activate it before you launch the SteamVR Program. Now, check the controllers carefully. Now, you are free to launch the OpenVRTwitchChat.exe file easily!
Step 4: Add Information
After you launch the file, you have to get ready for entering your information. Now, you will see that you have been directed to another screen. This screen will ask you for some information. The information will include the User Name along with the Channel name. Also, the OAuth Key will be required in this case.
All you have to do is input all the information that the screen requires. After you are done with the information input, you have to look for a button called PRESS TO CONNECT. Click the button to go to the next step!
Step 5: Select Controller
Now, you have to move to manage your chat. Here, you can select your controller. You can choose any controller you want. This controller will be able to control your chats when you are using VR. Select anyone and proceed.
For doing this, you have to access another menu. Go to the drop-down menu which is situated in the lower left part of your screen. Go to the menu and select your controller. You can go for either the right controller or you can also settle for the left controller. This completely depends on your persona; preference. According to your choice, choose it.
Step 6: Size and Opacity
Now, you have to get your hands on changing the size of the overlay. First, you have to set the drop-down menu. You have to go to the lower right-hand side of your page. Now, go to the option that says NONE.
After selecting this, you will be able to edit the top fields. There are two different fields that you can edit. The top field, in this case, does the job of managing the opacity of your screen. On the other hand, the second field will do the work of changing the size and making it the right size for you. All you have to do is change this according to your preference.
Now that you are done with the set-up, you have to try to use the controller you have selected. It will help you in checking the settings. Check if the settings you have selected are working properly or not. Now, you are ready for carrying on with the stream! There’s no one to pull you down!
Programs that You Can Get
For reading Twitch Chat, there are several programs. We have only mentioned Hotrian’s OpenVR Twitch Chat program. But it doesn’t mean that you cannot do all this work with the help of some other programs. There is another app called Virtual Desktop that can help you out. Also, another program called Hello will help you in watching twitch chat in VR while playing games!
If you want to open the VR Desktop display portal, you can go for the Virtual Desktop. It goes with the Oculus Rift, Oculus Rift S, WMR VR Headsets, HTC Vive, etc. Twitch chat in VR Oculus with Virtual Desktop has features like multi-monitoring viewing, 3D side-by-side support along voice command game launching!
Add twitch chat in VR for free
Wrap Up
When keeping up with the chat is tough, you might miss the chats. On the other hand, ignoring the game will not be the right decision when you are in a VR game. What can you do in this case? Yes, Twitch Chat in VR is the key.
All you can do is go through the method we have mentioned here to know how to see Twitch Chat in VR. And keep up with your virtual world and the chats anytime anywhere! Run the process and let us know how it worked. You will never be disappointed!