Author: Rodney

Out of nowhere, the internal speakers on your Mac may stop working. It can happen for various reasons, and things become way too frustrating when it happens. Even without any kind of physical damage, this situation of internal speakers and sound system not working might occur. So, whenever you face internal speakers not detecting Mac, you shouldn’t think that your Mac is broken. The reason behind it can be anything, starting from the simplest reason to the most complex one. But whatever the cause is, there is no need to panic at all, as it will make the situation even…

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MS word comes with a rich collection of symbols and bullets to use in the required places of your document. The check mark bullet is one of those symbols or bullets which are vastly used among writers. By using the check marks, you will be able to represent your content in a comparatively better way. But if you are pretty new to this, there is a high chance that you might get confused about how to add check mark bullets in word. The task is not the toughest as MS word is always user-friendly and easy to operate. But, as…

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In a paragraph, there are some key points that deserve more focus than the other sections. To make those key points quickly catch the audience’s eye, bullet points are used in MS Word. Sometimes, within those bullet points, there may be some sub-sections or points requiring the attention of the audience as well. In that case, sub-bullets come into the game to make those sub-sections or points catch the audience’s attention after the bullet points. But you may remain in confusion about how to add sub-bullets in word to make your article more interesting. After the discussion below, hopefully, you…

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As the Oculus Quest 2 has only been out for a few days, there are some problems reported with the design and build quality. One such problem is that the left controller is not working fully. This guide will discuss what users can do if their left controller becomes unresponsive or stops working at all. The information in this article can help you troubleshoot any issue your left controller may be having and put you back on track to enjoying your new virtual reality headset. There are issues that may prevent your controller from working. First of all, the headset…

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Several reasons exist why the text does not wrap in Excel. Sometimes it’s just a display issue, and all you have to do is click inside the cell to see the whole chunk of text. But sometimes the text does not wrap because there’s a formatting problem that needs to be fixed. Here are the reasons why text will not wrap in Excel, along with the solutions to these common problems. Table of Contents[Open][Close]Excel Wrap Text Does Not Wrap Because It’s No Longer Inside a CellTo do this:To add your text to a table cell:How to Wrap Text in ExcelExcel…

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There are tokens for the respective bots to perform properly in a Discord server. It is mainly an alphanumeric phrase that acts as the authorization code with which you can make the bot perform the desired task. It is a crucial part of setting up the bot on your server for further automated tasks. But it is unfortunate when out of nowhere, it shows that the Discord bot’s unexpected token invalid. Because of it, that token won’t work, and you won’t be able to assign any task to that bot. But fixing processes are available to get you out of…

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Sometimes, when data cells are empty, they look like they are missing something rather than blank. This is called a visual confusion between a gap and a blank cell. Show Empty Cells As Gaps Not Working will remove the visual confusion by automatically converting all gaps to blanks and vice versa. Gaps are rectangular areas of your spreadsheet that contain cells that are not listed in between them. They appear dark even when a cell is not empty. Blank cells are rectangular areas in which the data that is listed in any of the cells, including the gap, will show.…

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Whenever a new version of the Windows Operating System comes, all the users want to upgrade their PC to that version. If you are using the Windows 10 version or older, upgrading it to Windows 11 might be your biggest desire. There are various methods to upgrade the Windows OS, which you can use in different cases. But using Windows 11 media creation tool to upgrade the OS is probably the easiest, quickest, and simplest way. This path will allow you to download a Windows 11 install file onto the USB drive you are using for the process. You will…

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The wait is finally over! Oculus Quest 2 controller is now available! The Quest 2 has been out for a week and reviews are starting to come in. If you’ve been using your Oculus Quest 2 controller for a while now, you may want to consider unpairing the device. Particularly if you’re about to trade it or give it away. But ‘Have you ever unpaired your Oculus Quest 2 Controllers?’ For a quick start, follow this. Click the gear icon in the bottom left of the Settings menu and scroll down to Devices.On this page, you’ll see your list of…

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One of the most basic uses of an Excel text box is to anchor information on a sheet. This can be done in two ways: by anchoring a text box to the upper-left corner of a cell and setting it as the “anchor point” for input, or by anchoring it to another location on the sheet. This post will cover how you can set your text boxes as “anchors” in either manner so that when you’re inputting data into them from other cells, they’ll always follow suit. Table of Contents[Open][Close]Setting a Text Box as an Anchor Point (By Cell Location)…

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