If you’re looking to have more than one Discord account, you’ll need to create a new account and modify your email address.
If you have an account that is existing, go into the app and click on “Edit Profile.” Under the “Username” section, there will be fields for your name and a new email address that is not associated with any other Discord accounts (the email needs to be different from your screen name).
In order to verify your Discord account, you will need to use the email address you’re trying to add to the verification field.
If this doesn’t work, you can try creating a new email and then forwarding your old emails to this new one — this works as long as your old email isn’t already associated with any other Discord accounts.
The alternative route would be to create a completely new account through a different device and then add your friends from your old account.
If neither of these works, you will need to wait until we update the system to make it possible to have more than one Discord account at once.
Having two or more Discord accounts is a good choice if you have multiple aliases, just one account is banned, or you would like to trade an account with someone else. In this post, we’re going to talk about the process of getting started before discussing my personal setup.
How To Set Up Your New Discord Account
- Create a new email address
- Create a new Discord account for your new email address
- Join the server with your new account.
- Join the server with your existing account.
- Choose a nick from the lists (names) and make it your main Discord account’s nickname.
- You can do this by either typing in /msg <nick> @discord.gg or by clicking the address link of its name on Discord’s website.
- A unique Discord URL will be generated for your account.
- Create a new Discord account for your new email address on the same server and choose any name from the list to make it your secondary account’s nickname.
Okay, so let’s say that you have followed the above instructions and have gotten two accounts up and running. How can they communicate with each other? There are three main methods:
- Using the Discord API, which is not very advanced or user-friendly, but can be done[Note: the API is not very friendly and can be difficult to use]
- Via Webhooks— which is the easiest and most intuitive method. I
How To Use Two Discord Accounts At Once On Android
- Go to settings and click on ADD ACCOUNT.
- Choose a nick from the list, fill in your username and choose also whether you want to allow other users to join your server.
- Click next.
- Copy the unique Discord URL and close the dialog window when you are done.
- Go back to your mobile device’s main Discord app (if it’s not running already).
- Click on the “Add a Bot” button.
- Paste the URL into the dialog box and click next.
- Fill in the Bot’s name and choose a username.
- Click Next again, after this you can send a message to your new Bot to confirm that everything is working fine.
The mobile app App doesn’t have the same restrictions as Discord’s website, so you can have many accounts on it at once.
Multiple Discords Account Mobile
You can have more than one account on your phone but you can only use one at a time.
You can log into one account in the Discord app at any given time. This can be changed easily by clicking the gear icon in the top right corner of the Discord app, then looking for your profile picture and clicking on it. You will then see a list of all your accounts, you can switch between them by simply tapping on the account you want to log into.
Can You Be Signed Into Two Discord Accounts
To connect two Discord accounts, click the “Connected” icon in the top right corner of your screen and select your server from the drop-down menu.
Then, select “Start a Server” and enter your server’s name. If you want to make it public, change the settings so that “Create a Server” is selected instead.
Create a new server for each account you want to connect.
The last step is to add friends. You can do that by clicking the plus icon next to the “Add Friend” button and choosing your friends from the list.
Multiple Discord Accounts iPhone
You’ll need to create a new Discord account using the email address associated with your phone. Once you have created a new account, add it to your phone to make it easier for you.
If you already have a Discord account on your phone, you’ll need to download and then activate Discord.
- Set up Discord on your phone. Open the app and log in after the device prompts you to do so. Go to the settings menu by tapping on “More” next to where it says “Discord Name” and “Discord ID.”
- Tap on “Add Account,” which will prompt you for a new email address.
- Your old emails should be forwarded to your new one
- When you are prompted for a verification code, use the email address you attached to your new account. If this is not found, it means that you haven’t forwarded or deleted all of the old emails before and then create a second account.
- After that, tap on “Verification Code” in order to add your account. You can then use this account to talk with your friends.
Q. How can I have two or more Discord accounts at once?
Q. How can I use my old emails to verify my account?
Q. Can I use my phone number?
Q. What if I already used my phone number to join or create a Discord account?
Use Multiple (1-3) Discord Accounts at the Same Time
If you want two or more Discord accounts at once, it’s really as simple as using a different email address or using your other phone.
Although there is nothing that stops you from having many Discord accounts on your main computer that are linked to the same email, this isn’t recommended because it will be hard for you to find your account when you want to log in.